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“Healthy community in a peaceful and wealthy environment”  



“GK-PON exists to contribute to access and utilization of quality social development services for PLHIV, OVC and entire community”



  • Transparency and accountability

  • Integrity

  • Innovativeness and creativity

  • Credibility

  • Togetherness ( Team work)

  • Confidentiality

  • Positive living




Gwokke Keni PHA and OVC Network (GK-PON) is a registered local Non Governmental Organization with registration number S.5914/9268 with its head office located at Patongo town Council, Agago district in Uganda .It is non-political, non-discriminative and non-profit making organization.


Why the Organization was named GWOKE KENI?

This Organization was named Gwokke keni because by the time of initiation there was no VCT, treatment and many people were dying and besides many were registering clients for their personal gains.  So we started telling the community that, (please take care or protect yourself alone otherwise you will die):-


  • “Gwokke” means protect yourself or be aware, or take care or precaution or keep watch.


  • “Keni” means alone or individually


  • “PHA” means people living with HIV/ AIDS


  • “OVC” means orphans and vulnerable children


The group originated from a group of 10 PHAs on 4th Feb 2004 after a long illness of some members. After   a medical doctor they decided to come out and declared their HIV/AIDS status, by that time stigma and discrimination.


The people were suspecting themselves because access to VCT was limited and difficult due to the prevailing LRA [Lord Resistant Army] insurgency. However the PHAs managed to convince the other10 members who were also suspecting them to join the group hence 20 founder members originated.


The group was formed voluntarily, constitution written and work started with the help of a counselor who is a midwife by profession at Patongo Health Center III.


At that time due to high stigma and discrimination many people infected with HIV/AIDs feared to come out making the rate, spread and death result high, many affected children remained orphans. In 2005 after doing open campaigns against HIV/AIDs the number of PHA increased from 20 to 60 but due to limited access to care, treatment and support services, 17 members died leaving orphans with us that is where the name OVC network came from.


The group members registered the group with the District Local Government of Pader District on 23rd April 2006, Reg. No. 051 as a Community Based Organization (CBO).



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